The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.
Genesis 2:15
God’s call to humanity to “fill the earth and subdue it” does not give us license to engage our environment in any manner we please. Rather, creation is a precious and holy resource that God has entrusted to our care. Indeed, in sharing His authority with us, God issued a challenge and is affording us the opportunity to demonstrate our ability to rule with love and wisdom as He does. As bearers of His image, are we exercising our authority in a way that reflects Him and brings Him glory?
Breath Prayer Explanation
Breath prayers are a form of contemplative prayers linked to the rhythm of your breath. Breath prayer has been practiced in the church for thousands of years and is a 1 to 2 sentence prayer you silently pray 5-10 times consecutively throughout the day as you inhale and exhale.
It’s a centering prayer for our minds and hearts to remember God within all circumstances. Breath prayer is a simple yet transformative spiritual practice!
An example of a breath prayer is, “Father, you are Holy” (prayed silenty as you inhale), “Help me be holy” (prayed silently as you exhale).